Romania - Liberia

Anno Scolastico 2014/2015

Marzo 2015 - A causa della tragedia dell'epidemia di Ebola, l'anno scolastico riprende faticosamente solo ora... Don Nicola Ciarapica manda una lettera con gli auguri per la S. Pasqua e le ultime notizie da Monrovia

29 marzo 2015

Carissimi,  le celebrazioni della Settimana Santa ci immergono nel mistero dell’Amore di Dio. L’anno scorso la celebrazione della Pasqua era coincisa con l’inizio della diffusione del virus Ebola in Liberia; quest’anno possiamo ringraziare il Signore per la vittoria sul contagio almeno qui da noi.

Nella cultura Africana i valori come l’accoglienza di chi viene a farci visita, la solidarietà e la condivisione con chi ha bisogno, la cura dei malati a casa, le abluzioni  dei corpi dei defunti ed il custodire il corpo del defunto a casa per i riti funebri, sono molto importanti. Purtroppo proprio a causa di ciò, il virus dell’Ebola si è  potuto diffondere e in alcune parti,  come in Guinea, ancora riesce a svilupparsi  contro tutti gli sforzi e i tentativi per controllarne la diffusione.

Si sta parlando di “post Ebola”.  Una volta fermato il contagio, bisogna rimettere in sesto il settore sanitario. Era già carente e precario prima; diversi centri ed ospedali sono stati chiusi. Solo in Sierra Leone i morti per Ebola del settore medico-sanitario sono più di 220. In Liberia nell’ospedale cattolico della capitale Monrovia, costruito e gestito dalla congregazione di San Giovanni di Dio, ha potuto riaprire, fino ad ora, solo il settore maternità.

Un’altra categoria a cui prestare attenzione è quella dei più giovani. Dal report dell’Unicef sappiamo che sono circa 5.000 i bambini tra le 25.000 persone contagiate e 16.000 sono diventati orfani dei genitori o hanno perso chi si prendeva cura di loro. E’ ai ragazzi e ragazze in età scolare a cui ora in modo particolare vogliamo prestare attenzione.  Abbiamo più di 200 richieste di aiuto economico da parte delle famiglie che devono pagare le tasse scolastihe dei loro figli.  Siamo testimoni di una gara di generosità tra le  persone che ci sostengono economicamente. E’ importante che i ragazzi e le ragazze vadano a scuola e completino la loro formazione scolastica .

Giunga a tutti voi un grande grazie insieme agli auguri per la Santa Pasqua. Il Signore, donandoci lo Spirito Santo, ci faccia fare esperienza della Sua Misericordia che salva e ci dà la Vita.   Fraternamente in don Bosco don Nicola Ciarapica


ottobre 2012 - Il gemellaggio tra la Romania e la Liberia amplia le possibilità dei gemellaggi sottolineando la vocazione europea dell'Italia e della Romania!!!!
I professori e gli alunni del liceo Nicolae Balcescu (Romania)  iniziano un gemellaggio con i professori e gli studenti della scuola secondaria Mary Help of Christians School (In Liberia) inviando loro una descrizione della scuola e delle attività, potrete vederla nell'album foto in fondo alla pagina

Novembre 2012 ecco le lettere dei ragazzi dell'istituto Balcescu ai compagni di scuola liberiani

My name is Anton Bogdan George, I’m 18 years old and I live in Vasilati. I learn at Nicolae Balcescu Highschool from Oltenita and I’m in 13th form.  
My family is composed by my sister named Laura, my parents and my grandparents.
I have a lot of hobbies but specially I like to travel. Romania is such a beautiful country. There are a lot of  places to visit. I’ve seen the most places in my country. I was at the mountains, in Brasov, the centre of fresh air and there was a lot of fun. We have a sea too, Black Sea, where most of people move from town here when it’s summer. Our country is known by its old traditions wich are practiced nowadays. The most importants are the traditions from Christmas and Easter. The Christmas is on 25 December and we celebrate the born of Jesus Christ. The Easter hasn’t a custom data. It can be on May, April generally spring. When it’s Christmas all family is gathering together and the women are preparing a lot of goodies. The food prepared from pig is the most known.
We have a lot of traditions but some of its are shared on different places in the country.
Hi. My name is Vasile Madalina-Cristina. I am 15 years old. I am a student  in 10th  grade at High School „Nicolae Balcescu” from a small town Oltenita. I’m from a village –Spantov- and I live in a modest house with 4 rooms,  a bathroom, 2 kitchens and a living room. I have a dog „Rocky” and I love him very much. I love flowers and I have a flower garden.

Hi.My name is Berceanu David and I am 16 years old. In this picture I’m with my mother. I live in Oltenita, a small town in the south-east of Romania.
I like playing football . This is my dog. Her name is Mura.   I like dogs because they are nice. They are my lovely cats. the cat from left is Sofia And in the right is Sorin. They are playing all day long
Dear youngs liberian, We are Victor-Mihaita and Adrian-Gabriel and we are 15 years old.We are twins and we have an elder brother named George-Cosmin.We are in the 9th form and like very much Geography, History,Astrology.We play football in our town team,of course we make sport because is very healthy.We participated at many sport competitions as athletics or football,not to win,but for pleasure.
Now few  things about our home:we have a small house in another county(Dolj,situated in the south-west of Romania),but in this moment we are living in an apartment with two rooms because we had to move when our mother changed her job. We watched a short movie about your country and city and we liked it very much.We are expecting impatiently your letter.
Gladly from Romania,Mihaita and Gabriel

My name is Dragonea Cosmin , i'm 19 years old and i'm from Romania , Calarasi , Oltenita
i'm student at high school  "Nicolae Balcescu  Oltenita" i love to listen music , play on pc , having fun with my friends, And about me, i'm a very happy person i don't like to stai upset , i have  a younger brother his name is Cristian , Now to go at chapter "school" , we learn a lot of things that are so important for our life , the future that will help us to get a good life school defines us as people and will represent life as we go , teachers are very good people and gives us all we need to be a good person.My current job now is school, i don't work right now because i must prepare for the baccalaureate.I do not work now I'm still in school and is very important to finish a school after you complete each chooses a path in life that you have chosen to head. But after school I was thinking to move to Bucharest to find me a job of which I could live.

Dear friend, My name is Golea Gabriel , i'm 19 years old and i'm from Romania , Calarasi , Oltenita. I'm student at high school  "Nicolae Balcescu  Oltenita" i love to listen music , play on pc , having fun with my friends, i like very much to drive i have licence for that.
And about me, i'm a very happy person i don't like to stai upset , i have  a younger brother his name is Cosmin , my mother work daily to give us a better life her name is Corina.
Now to go at chapter "school" , we learn a lot of things that are so important for our life , the future that will help us to get a good life school defines us as people and will represent life as we go , teachers are very good people and gives us all we need to be a good person.
My current job now is school, i don't work right now because i must prepare for the baccalaureate. But after school I was thinking to move to Bucharest to find me a job of which I could live. with respect Golea Gabriel 29.09.2012

My Descripcion Hello! My name is Chirica Cosmin-Angel. I from village Soldanu, county Calarasi. I learn at  Nicolae Balcescu highschool in Oltenita. About me ….. I like  riding the bike. I love listening to music and dancing. I love nature.  Specially I like hiking. I love traveling wherever. I love Bucegi mountains I like  doing sports with my dog Rex. Sometimes I play  football and board games.This is my block. This is my room This is my dog . Marian

My name is Mirica Nicolae. I'm from Romania,I live in Mitreni. My hobbies are: football and games pc. Here is a photo of me

Hello  Dear Friend My name is Nancu Cristian ,I’m 19 years old , I’m from   Romainia,Calarasi,Oltenita . I’m student at high school ,, Nicolae Balcescu Oltenita “.  . And now about me I’m the only child of my parents .I love to party with my friends , i like music , sports, cars and everything with a engine,  and make new friens . I’m a happy person, i like to joke, i don’t what to be sad or my friends . Now about my school i’m the last year of school ,the teachers ar great ,they try to teach us be things that can help us in our life .The teachers are great person and they try to make us wise in our decisions that can make us good  in our  life. I don’t work right now but i have tried some jobs so far.I like to try do different thing everyday , try to make my life as less boring i can. After school i will try to get a good job,if i can’t get a good job in my country ,i will try my luck  in another country . With respect Nancu Cristian  03.11.2012

Hello! My name is Panait Emanuel I'm from Romania, Mitreni village My hobbies are football and computer games I will show you some pictures of me: Goodbye

Dear friend, My name is Podariu Cristian, i'm 19 years old and i'm from Romania , Calarasi , Oltenita. I'm student at high school  "Nicolae Balcescu  Oltenita" i love to listen music , play on pc , having fun with my friends. And about me, i'm a very happy person i don't like to stai upset. I like very much to drive.I have license for that. My mother work in Oltenita, she work at turbofin it makes cartridges for printer and my father work in the Bucharest, he is welder. I no have brothers but i have very good friends, they a brothers for my. This year is the last year at school, i study for baccalaureate and in the next year i want to find a job in the Bucharest. with respect Podariu Cristian 01.10.2012

My name is Valentin and I'm 17 years old. I live in Bucharest and what can I say about me? I have brown hair, brown eyes and I'm tall! I love hanging out with my friends and go to the movies! I'm always smiling and I love life. Sometimes I can get angry very easy. Football is my favourite sport I could play it all day long, but I have to do homework and go to school. Speaking of school, my favorite subject is History. I love History. That's me, Valentin. This represents me, my world. This is the place where I spend most of my time.

My name is Volga Alexandru , i`m 19 and i am from Curcani, Calarasi ,Romania. I`m in thirteen grad at Hight School "Nicolae Balcescu Oltenita". I have another 2 brother, a little sister and a bigger brother than me but that`s allright cause i`m understand very well with both of them. My dead has no place to work so he is staying all day home with my sister  and he have care of he and the house. My mom works at a nursing home and she keep me in the school. My big brother he also work at a factory at an italian men. what can i say about  me is that when i graduated i want to become a lawyer but this first to see if I get B.A.C. Hope my wish come true. Expect an answer.Fondly Volga Florin-Alexandru

Nell'album foto in fondo alla pagina troverete le lettere di risposta dei ragazzi del Mary Help of Christians School


Aprile 2014 i ragazzi delle due scuole hanno lavorato sul tema dei diritti umani, troverete i loro lavori nell'album foto; qui ci sono alcuni testi in formato word

“Nicolae Balcescu” high-school                           
Nastase Alina-Florentina
Class : 10 C
Guide : Decu Valentina
Water in Africa
       For Africa, water is like gold. African continent is the most arid in the world . One of the causes of infant mortality is lack of water. Every year dozens of children and adults die because of dehydration .
    In many African countries, people drink animal blood to bring down thirst and hunger sometimes . For us, this habit may be barbaric, but for these countries is just another method of survival . A child in a developed country wants a modern phone while a child in Mauritania, for example, only wants to have water , food and a good shelter .
    In my opinion , we should get involved and get more interested in the problems of our fellows who can not handle it in such problems without our help . We are more alike than we think . We can not be so selfish and uncaring when our fellow asked us for help and desperate cry of pain to us.
    Only one shower , about 5 minutes , for African people means water to drink for about couple days . We should think better when we waste the water ( for example when we forget to close the tap or when we just let the tap open while we brush our teeth etc ) , because for other nations , water can be as scarce as gold or diamonds .
    Africa is such a beautiful continent , but she got a lot of problems which can be solved very easy with a little bit help from our side . Couple days ago I saw a documentary about African people and their lives and I'm very impressed about their ability to survive in extreme conditions . African people  waste nothing and we can learn something from them . They live with nature and they become like soldiers and protect their environment , wich is like a god for them . O.N.U made some points of drinkable water in various parts of Africa , but this is not enough for them because it's a big continent  and just few fountains won't saturate all of thirsty African people .
    Their simple life make me think about all the moments when I just threw water that was safe to drink from a bottle on the ground . I can’t say that I was sorry at that time , but the articles and the documentarys that I saw, this days ,make me to see more realistic and to understand all the problems wich I wasn’t able to see before , on short I opened my eyes to the reals problems of the world not to the problems about the latest mobile phon or the lates Vivienne WestWood spring collection which was concerning me more before I start this project then  a child suffering from thirst or just a family who has nothing to eat and that , in my opinion , is tragic I wasn’t and I’m not the  unique ignorant .
    People travel from miles away to fill some bottles of water which  them give to their children's and their animals to drink . They travel so much because the water in that area is not drinkable ( is dirty or oozing ) or in that area there is no water at all.
A lot of people lose their lives in the water rush in able to survive . Women carrying their babies in the rear all day even if they can fight with unexpected creatures or with the sun who burn their skin .They renounced of their only drop of water for childrens from their rear . Womens do all day long work on agricultural lands  and they bring water , sometime food ( like fruits and plants ) . They are able to find , most of the time , plants which contains water and which are good to eat (their roots, especially) .
    In my opinion we should open our eyes and look around us to hear the screaming of pain and to offer our hand , in order to help , to people who really need desperately a good word , compassion and some solutions to their problems . We  need to remember that we are not alone in this big and beautiful world . And because we are not alone we have to work at improving  this world and create peace and we have to bring  the poor countries at a better level , because they are our brothers and sisters even if they have a different skin colour , a different language and a different developement . We and just we , without a help from some kind of divinity , can make this world a better place


Roxana Vasile ,a X-a C
Liceul Tehnologic ”Nicolae Balcescu”Oltenita-Romania 

  We  and  Human  Rights
On them declaring them diplomats


With so much fire and ardour
Of the world are asking :  “Does
We still have and obligations?

You claim a right in law table of contents
To protect your point of view
Mary gullible, you’re not convinced
You have every right to … silence.

Nell'album foto in fondo alla pagina troverete le immagini dei ragazzi del Liceo di Oltenita durante i lavori di gruppo; oltre ai ragazzi della professoressa Valentina Decu, ci sono anche i lavori della classe delle professoresse Violeta Ibis e Filofteia Mihai

Scuola Italiana: 
Liceul Tehnologic “Nicolae Balcescu”
Scuola Estera: 
Mary Help of Christians School ; Secondary School