Master in Cooperation and Development: call for application is open! What are you waiting for?

11 marzo 2015 - Siamo felici di condividere con tutti voi il bando 2015-2016 della nuova edizione del Master internazionale di secondo livello in Cooperazione e Sviluppo promosso dal Cooperation and Development Network,  dall'Università di Pavia, dall'Istituto di Studi Superiori di Pavia insieme a tre ong: VIS, Cisp e Coopi con il contributo del Ministero degli Esteri, della Cooperazione e dello Sviluppo. Il Master offre una formazione specifica per lavorare nel settore della cooperazione per lo sviluppo.  Mandate la vostra candidatura entro il 30 giugno 2015.

Seguono tutti i dettagli in lingua inglese, lingua del Master.


Master in Cooperation and Development


A joint degree of IUSS and University of Pavia

Call for Applications


The mission of IUSS is that of contributing to the intellectual growth of selected students by offering them qualified programs enhancing their capabilities and knowledge.

The Master Program in Cooperation and Development-C&D aims at training professionals in the field of international cooperation through a highly qualified academic and professional training. Students have the possibility of studying in a multidisciplinary and multiethnic environment inside one of the oldest University systems in Europe.

Students are prepared to work in institutions like Non-Governmental Organizations, International Organizations, Governmental Bureaus, Research Centers, other Public or Private Institutions.


The Master C&D is a master universitario di secondo livello according to the Italian National Higher Education System, namely a Post-Graduate Program fully taught in English. The program lasts 16 months and provides more than 500 hours of teaching delivered by academicians, international professionals and experts. The whole program delivers 75 credits, according to the ECTS – European Credit Transfer System.


October-December 2015

January-April 2016

May-June 2016

July-December 2016

January 2017

Preliminary courses on Basic Economics


Advanced Courses on Development Economics

Courses on Humanities and Research Methodologies

Courses on Project Cycle Management


Final thesis discussion


Across the academic year, students will also be equipped with soft skills in team leading and intercultural communication, strengthening their capacities in leadership, coordination and negotiation in multicultural environments. 


The Master provides a service of tutorship for the choice of the internship and a list of around 50 available options with NGOs. The Master also facilitates contacts with International organizations.

Special attention will be also dedicated to the vocational guidance to the job searching orientation, by means of regular meetings with human resources experts.

According to our statistics, 85% of students find a job within 6 months from graduation.


The master is open every year to 30 students of different nationalities graduated in any major, holding an Italian Laurea Magistrale or a comparable foreign degree. Mastery of English is a mandatory requirement.

The cost of enrolment for the academic year 2015-2016 is 7,000.00 euro. Fees include: • tuition fee • attendance to regular program classes and seminars • tutorship internship & vocational guidance •  teaching material • free access to computer rooms and libraries.


For application procedures go to

Early applications are welcome


Financial aid will be granted to disadvantaged and meritorious students. Types of financial aid provided are: • total waiving of fees • partial waiving of fees • contribution to the accommodation cost in Pavia • contribution to internship expenses.

  • A number of dedicated scholarships for students coming from developing countries is guaranteed.
  • The school is exploring the possibility of offering special scholarships to Italian students under the INPS scheme.



The master C&D is supported by:

• DG-Cooperation and Development, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

• MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research

• Tavola Valdese

• Project Malawi Onlus

• Fondation Assistance Internationale-FAI

Institutions involved:

African Development Bank • Centro Studi Luca D’Agliano • EADI-European Association of Development Institutions • ECDPM-European Centre for Development Policy Management • ECHO-European Community Humanitarian Office • ECLAC-United Nations Commission for Latin American Countries • FAO-United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization •Graduate Institute • ILO-International Labour Organization • NOHA-Network on Humanitarian Aid • ODI-Overseas Development Institute • OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development • OHCHR-Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights • UNCTAD-United Nations Conference on Trade and Development • UNICEF-United Nations Children's Fund • World Bank


The residential part of the program takes place in Collegio Santa Caterina da Siena, one of the historical colleges of the University of Pavia  and at IUSS headquarter.

The Master C&D is part of the CDN, an International network of post-graduate educational programs active in Italy (Pavia), Colombia (Cartagena de Indias), Palestine (Bethlehem), Nepal (Kathmandu) and Kenya (Nairobi)


The Rector of the IUSS

  The Director of the Master Programme

Michele di Francesco

Giovanni Vaggi