Italia - Nigeria

Aprile 2012   I ragazzi del Don Bosco Technical Institute hanno "rotto il ghiaccio" per primi... Nell'album foto potete leggere le loro lettere e vederli durante alcune attività scolastiche 

Giugno 2012   I ragazzi  del Don Bosco Technical Institute durante quest'anno hanno approfondito il tema dell'acqua ed hanno mandato ai loro compagni di gemellaggio un testo ed alcune foto sull'argomento trattato a scuola. Troverete la lettera originale  e le foto nell'album foto in fondo alla pagina 

Water is very important and essential in human life. It is needed for almost everything we do. It is used for cooking, washing, bathing etc. It is seen as the most important necessity of life. Scientists said that no man can survive without water in seven days. Because of this, human beings have developed so many ways of getting and storing water.
In the villages, the situation is more critical as the only source of water is mainly rain and streams. Every morning, the young ladies/mother leaves their children unattended for hours as she walks to the nearest pond/stream to fetch water.
Normally, for a family of five or more people, six or more pots full of water will be okay for then in the morning. They will have to go to the stream early in the morning because they believe the water will be settled and clean in the morning, and that is why they commonly. The children can later go with friends to fetch water and play in the evening at the stream.
In villages, women have to walk a distance of about 2.5km to reach the source of water in some are or at a time when there is dry season ie there is no rain water for them to use. They reaches home carrying heavy pots, not to rest but to do other household chores of cooking, washing, cleaning, caring for children and looking after livestock will all involve the usage of water.
The sources the villagers find water are often contaminated and may cause infection from guinea worm, cholera or other diseases, so this is why they need to treat the water by boiling it or filtering it.
Some communities have dug their own boreholes, shallow wells. The villagers can then go to fetch water from either the following; Stream, Well, Boreholes and so on and then store it either in a Jerry can, big drum, bucket for use so as to avoid stress of going to fetch water in the stream/pond all the time.

Scuola Italiana: 
Verona - Istituto Salesiano don Bosco - Scuola paritaria di II Grado - Liceo Scientifico
Scuola Estera: 
Ondo Town - Don Bosco Technical and Vocational institute